Monday, January 17, 2011

Study Series

This is one book I just happened to come across when wandering through the library. The first book in the series is called Poison Study followed by two more books, Magic Study and Fire Study. All three were incredibly well written and entertaining from start to finish. The author is Maria V Snyder and quickly one of my favorites. She really takes time to develop characters in her books. A few chapters in and you are in love with several of the people she has created. You really care about what happens to them and love to see what she has in store. This particular series takes place back in a time of medieval reign but with the descriptive writing she gives you, it's a world that you would love to be a part of. Yelena is our lead character and someone you can't help but root for. She is independent and strong but likable in a way that we can all relate to. The story is unique and fast paced with action and romance that find a perfect balance to keep us interested from book to book. It rates up there on my top 10 for sure.

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