Monday, January 17, 2011

Vampire Academy

First, don't judge a book by its title. I admit I have done a lot of cover judging myself, but just because a book has the word "Vampire" in it, doesn't mean it's another lame teen romance pining for immortality. The Vampire Academy series involves several different kinds of vampires and remains another favorite of mine. It was incredibly refreshing to read an entire series of 6 with a new take on vampires and the different forms they come in. Once again, our heroine, Rose Hathaway, is a very strong, independent; take care of her-selfer type of girl that any one reading will like right away. She tends to cause most of the trouble she gets into but has a knack for getting out of all sorts of crazy situations. There is an awesome connection between Rose and several of the other characters I came to love in this book and the story line rocks! Each book is actually better than the last! Bella, Edward and Jacob have nothing on Rose, Dimitri and Adrian!

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